Friday, April 22, 2005

Alarm Clocks

So what is it about alarm clocks that they refuse to ring some days? I have 3, count them, 3 set, but do any of them go off? no.... Okay... so maybe (just maybe) I've slept through my alarm for the past few weeks. How this is possible, I don't know. I thought Riley would wake me up when the alarm goes off. You know, rub his cold nose on me or bark or something. But nope, I wake up and he's sleeping too. Maybe if I ever get married, I'll marry someone who is capable of waking up. And then he can pull the covers off my and drag me out of bed. Or, if i'm going to the gym, put my sneakers on for me. Or, if I need to get dresssed, just pick me up and put me in shower. Now that's an alarm clock...

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